Apprentice Name* First Last Contractor* Trade Classification* Year in Apprenticeship* Please select the choice as it best relates to the latest 6 months performance:Note: Average is meant to be the expected level at this point in the apprenticeship.DEPENDABILITY*Is the ability to do required jobs with the minimum amount of supervision. Unacceptable Below Average Average Above Average Excellent DEPENDABILITY COMMENTS*JOB KNOWLEDGE*Is the individuals job knowledge relative to the time spent in the program. Unacceptable Below Average Average Above Average Excellent JOB KNOWLEDGE COMMENTS*QUALITY OF WORK*Is the correctness of work duties performed. Unacceptable Below Average Average Above Average Excellent QUALITY OF WORK COMMENTS*QUANTITY OF WORK*Is the amount of works an individual does in a day. Unacceptable Below Average Average Above Average Excellent QUANTITY OF WORK COMMENTS*ATTITUDE*Is the mental position taken about the job the individual is undertaking. Unacceptable Below Average Average Above Average Excellent ATTITUDE COMMENTS*RESPONSIBILITY*Is individual responsible for tools and materials. Unacceptable Below Average Average Above Average Excellent RESPONSIBILITY COMMENTS*ATTENDANCE*Is the individual faithful in coming to work daily and adhering to work hours. Unacceptable Below Average Average Above Average Excellent ATTENDANCE COMMENTS*TARDINESS*Is that the individual often reports to work on time. Unacceptable Below Average Average Above Average Excellent TARDINESS COMMENTS*Additional CommentsJourneyman Name* First Last Journeyman Phone*Contractor Email Apprentice Email* Δ